Sunday, October 3, 2010


Why the *level one* do girls where promise rings? Is it really worth all of the ambiguity? How are we supposed to know if it is just some stupid ring that a missionary gave you in a futile attempt to keep you loyal or if it is a weird wedding band?

Within the past week and a half, I've met two (extremely) attractive girls with rings on their fingers. The rings weren't normal wedding rings though, one was thick and looked cheap and the other looked to be made up of several tiny little bands. When I see rings like that where an engagement ring should be, I get confused and then I don't know what to do. Should I flirt, should I ignore, should I just treat you like a non-sexual, non-female being that I have no chance with? I'm programmed to perpetuate the DeHart name, right? I need to know who I can do that with and promise rings just get in the way, you know?

1 comment:

  1. While I've never run into this problem, you know because I'm female and all, I do think it is rather confusing for any girl to wear a ring if she is not engage or married. This topic is justified of its level one swear word.
